Single Sign-On Configuration

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The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email with any questions or concerns.

Deque supports the option to configure a Keycloak realm to enable Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO allows users to sign in one time to have access to multiple applications. When your organization uses SSO, a connection is established to the Keycloak realm enabling your users to use their SSO credentials within the axe Expert Extension to log in to an axe Monitor installation.

Access two property fields to configure SSO using the Options link within the axe Expert DevTools section of the Chrome Extension page:

  • Realm: A unique security group that can be defined for user authentication for a particular organization.
  • ClientId: A credential used to uniquely identify a Deque client in the Keycloak server.

We Do It For You!: We recommend contacting Deque Tech Support before you change any axe Expert Extension Advanced Options. We are happy to help configure your extension installation. As noted on the popup window, "only change these options if you know what you're doing. Be sure to restart the developer tools before logging in."

Deque supports a wide variety of identity and access management needs for our clients, including unique combinations of user directory types, standard protocols, and/or identity brokering methods through the open source Keycloak product.

Default SSO Settings: The Realm field is pre-populated with the worldspace-comply value and the ClientID field is pre-populated with the attest value. Both fields are editable.

Change the default SSO Settings for the axe Expert Extension:

  1. Type chrome://extensions in the Chrome browser Address field, (or select More tools > Extension from the customization menu).

  2. Scroll down to the axe Expert DevTools section on the Chrome Extension page and select Options.

    Selecting the Options link on the axe Expert Extension section of the Chrome Extension page

    The Advanced Options popup window displays in the foreground.

  3. Modify the Realm and ClientId field values as required in the SSO Settings section of the Advanced Options popup window.

  4. Select Save.

    Editing the Realm and ClientId field values, then clicking the Save button on the Advanced Options popup window form

    Now, when you specify a Server URL and select GO TO SIGN IN FORM in the axe Expert Extension Settings panel, a popup window displays redirecting you to your SSO server.

    Example of the Settings panel sign-in initiation from the extension on the right, and the company sign-in form in a new popup window on the left - using Deque as the example of the org realm.

  5. Follow the prompts to complete the required sign-in steps establishing the axe Monitor connection.