Stop a Script

Link to Stop a Script copied to clipboard

The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email with any questions or concerns.

Stop a script whenever you want to either end the playback of a script, or halt the progress of a script that is currently paused before it has been completed.

To stop a script that is currently being recorded, refer to the instructions in the Record a Script topic.

  1. With a script either being played back or paused, click Stop in the script controls pane at left.

Clicking the Stop button on the Scripts panel in the left controls button pane for a currently-playing script

  1. Note the following resulting implications:

    • While playing: Stops the script at a point in time and enables the Resume button to continue playing until finished.
    • While paused: Stops the script and returns it to its first event so that it can be played back again from the beginning.

    When a script has been paused at an event step prior to completion of being played to its end, the Stop button appears between the Resume and Step forward buttons:

    Clicking the Stop button on the Scripts panel in the left controls button pane for a paused script