Updating axe Expert

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The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email helpdesk@deque.com with any questions or concerns.

The axe Expert Extension update process is no different than updating other browser extensions.


Update your axe Expert Extension to the latest version

  1. Type chrome://extensions into Chrome's address field to display the Chrome Extension page.

  2. In the horizontal button bar under the extension heading, select the update button on the right. Within the extension listing to the right of the axe Expert Extension heading, the updated version number will be displayed.


Updating the Firefox axe Expert Add-on is an automatic process. Firefox will notify you of out-of-date extensions upon launch, prompting you to update extensions. The process is quick and simple, just agree to download the update.

Automatic Updates Setting

In order to receive the prompt to update the Axe Expert version, you must first ensure the Firefox Automatic Updates setting on the about:add-ons page is set to either Default or On.

Update the axe Expert Extension to the newest version

  1. Select the axe Expert tab in Firefox Developer Tools. Firefox will detect if the add-on is out of date and displays a popup dialog box that reads:

The page at resource://axe expert says:

"Your extension is out of date and needs to be updated in order to work with the server. Do you want to download the updated extension now?"

The dialog includes OK and Cancel buttons.

Select OK to dismiss the dialog.

  1. Activate Install to begin the update process.

A progress meter briefly displays. Upon completion, a message displays stating axe Expert has been added to Firefox.